I used to think once I found happiness I would feel something
That some magical feeling would overcome me
But that's not what it is at all
Its not necessarily smiling all the time
Or being surrounded by tons of people
For me I found happiness when I found peace and love
In the little girl who was innocently born into a complex family
One where the first memories she'll have of her father are in prison
And the first of her mother are tears full of joy, anxious, and scared feelings
This girls smile is my love
In the man who I fell for
The man who it was never supposed to happen with but it did
The man from the hood who just liked me wanted to prove the hood didn't define him
In him I found happiness and his happiness became mine
In the people I met
The ones who were so resilient they proved us all wrong
The ones who face hardships everyday but still push
The ones who are supposed to be dead but are alive
I found hope
And with hope I found peace
Being happy doesn't mean that my life is perfect and nothing is ever wrong
Being happy means I'm ok
5/3/15 Laura Leslie
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