Watch your back Love creeps up behind you and suffocates You with chloroform It sneaks in the door like a moth following the light through the crack of the door It makes you feel like a kid on summer vacation on their way to Disney land It feels like that moment you light the candle after cleaning the house Love feels like the first hint of the warm sun on the side of your face It feels like finding a $100 bill in your pocket It feel like all the things that make you feel good until it doesn’t. When it doesn’t, love feels like someone is stabbing you in the heart every. single Day It feels like you have a broken leg but don’t have crutches It feels like a sore throat Like someone is stabbing you, constantly, in the neck. Watch your back Because love is great until it isn’t Watch your back Because when it’s bad, it’s bad. And no one is safe. 6/10/19 Laura Soriano