When you meet someone you don’t know if you’re going to know
them forever or just for that day. You don’t know if you’re going to become
great friends or just acquaintances. But you know that you should be kind you
know first impressions are the more important impressions. The world is full of
judgmental, rude, mean people but it’s also full of kind caring people who accepts
everyone and anyone. What kind of person are you?
Fall in love they said It’ll be great they said But no one ever tells you about the things that aren’t great No one ever tells you that some days you’ll want to punch your significant other in the throat or even in the face. Some days you’ll want to poke them in the eyes in their sleep. Or some days you’ll ask yourself why did you choose them? It’s usually after they do some stupid shit like drop pizza on your white sheets. No one ever tells you that it’s okay to fight, A fight doesn’t mean it’s over. Sometimes it’s a good thing. No one ever tells you that some days you won’t want to talk to each other, It’s okay, sometimes you need space. No ever tells you to fully commit, put your fears aside and just love They always say be careful, you can’t trust anyone you know. So you keep your guard up. No one ever tells you that it’s okay to not be all over social media. It doesn’t mean he isn’t claiming you...
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